Lo chef Jamie Oliver non ha dimostrato in tribunale che il cibo di McDonald’s «non è adatto per essere ingerito» - Facta

Lo chef Jamie Oliver non ha dimostrato in tribunale che il cibo di McDonald’s «non è adatto per essere ingerito»

Il 27 settembre 2021 la redazione di Facta ha ricevuto una segnalazione via WhatsApp che chiedeva di verificare le informazioni contenute in un post pubblicato il 10 luglio su Facebook, secondo cui la catena di fast food McDonald’s avrebbe perso una causa legale contro lo chef e personaggio televisivo Jamie Oliver e che quest’ultimo avrebbe dimostrato che «il cibo che vendono non è adatto per essere ingerito, perché è altamente tossico».

Al centro della presunta controversia legale ci sarebbe l’idrossido di ammoniaca, sostanza che sarebbe utilizzata dalla catena di ristorazione per «lavare» le parti grasse della carne. Nel post si legge inoltre che «prima di questo processo, secondo il presentatore, già questa carne non era adatta al consumo umano».

Si tratta di una notizia falsa, che decontestualizza una vicenda accaduta nel 2011. 

Innanzitutto, la notizia di un contenzioso legale tra McDonald’s e Oliver non è riportata da alcun mezzo d’informazione. Tra lo chef televisivo e la catena di fast food esiste invece una vecchia polemica risalente al 2011, quando durante la trasmissione Oliver’s Food Revolution, Oliver attaccò la pratica di lavorare la carne di manzo con l’idrossido di ammoniaca, utilizzata al tempo da McDonald’s e da altre catene di ristorazione (come Taco Bell e Burger King). 

Si tratta della cosiddetta “poltiglia rosa” (pink slime), un preparato industriale a base di avanzi grassi del manzo, parti un tempo relegate alla produzione di cibo per animali. Come spiegava un’inchiesta pubblicata nel 2009 dal New York Times, questi scarti alimentari erano particolarmente suscettibili a contaminazione di Escherichia coli (in grado di provocare un’infezione batterica potenzialmente mortale per l’uomo), motivo per il quale sono entrati nella ristorazione rapida solo grazie al trattamento con idrossido di ammoniaca, in grado di uccidere i batteri.

La critica di Oliver non riguardava eventuali problemi per la salute umana – la pratica è considerata sicura dalla Food and Drug Administration (Fda, l’ente governativo statunitense che si occupa della regolamentazione dei prodotti alimentari e farmaceutici) e dal Dipartimento dell’agricoltura americano (Usda) – ma la sua desiderabilità dal punto di vista gastronomico. 

La polemica scatenata da Oliver contribuì a creare un’accesa campagna contro questa pratica, che nel giro di pochi mesi portò McDonald’s (e le altre catene interessate) ad abbandonarla del tutto. Come si legge in un comunicato emesso dall’azienda nel 2013, «McDonald’s non usa scarti di manzo trattati con ammoniaca, ciò che alcuni chiamano “poltiglia rosa”, nei nostri hamburger, e non lo fa dal 2011». 

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Comments (72)

  • Cervellini Luigia

    Scusate io ho condiviso l’arti olo su McDonald’s impaurita, perché i miei nipotini ne vanno matti…. Felice di sapere che è una falsa notizia

    • Paul Ross-New

      only partially fake, so only some is bad for your health

  • Margaret Moran

    Article is in english and Facebook censoring is in Spanish…..

    • Facta

      It’s Italian 😉
      I suggest to use the automatic translation offered by your browser

      • Donna

        I cant find The Translate Option but I agree with Everyone else If they are gonna say its fake then Maybe they should Write it in ENGLISH AND like I said I cant seem to find the ” Trans” option

        • Facta

          Hi, open the article, right-click on the page, translate 😉

      • annie mcpaul

        why did the post reach me – I cannot understand that if someone posted it to me (which they must have) why were they allowed to post it without a warning?

        • Facta

          Hi Annie, because it’s because news can be checked only after they are online not before…

  • Robert Callahan

    I don’t speak Spanish

    • Facta

      Hi, It’s Italian, I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

      • Nume Namo Jacobs

        My browser doesn’t have a translator.

        • Facta

          Hi, which browser are you using?

  • Phil

    If FB Fact checkers are going to oppose this, they need to provide evidence in ENGLISH!

    • Facta

      Hi Phil, we are italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

      • Luna

        If you are “fact checking” a post written in English, fact check in English. It is not our job to translate your bullshit “opinion” fact checking

        • Facta

          Hi Luna, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
          I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

      • Joseph Imhotep

        Learn English and Fact check after you learn it. This post wasn’t in Italian so we shouldnt have to translate it. Do not inconvenience us. Thanks

        • Facta

          Hi Joseph you can learn Italian or use the simple translate option that you can find in any browser 😉

      • Alan

        I thought that was obvious , totally agree , just translate it in your browser , it’s not hard .

  • Debbie Wynne Dyer

    I cannot speak or read Spanish. The article I shared was in English you could at least tell me an English why it contained false information. Or maybe you’re just targeting me because of my political views.

    • Facta

      Hi Debbie, It’s Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Gaetana Di Gennaro

    Buonasera. Avete fatto bene a segnalarmi la fake news. La prossima volta mi informerò in maniera più approfondita. Grazie. Un cordiale saluto

    • Facta

      Buongiorno Gaetana Grazie a te! Se hai un dubbio puoi mandarci la notizia che vuoi venga verificata mandando una messaggio su whatsApp CLICCANDO QUI.

  • Silvio baudo

    Vi ringrazio per l’ avviso mi sembrava 7na informazione pertinente, ma ho provveduto a cancellarla

    • Facta

      Buongiorno Sivio, non ti preoccupare può succedere a tutti di sbagliare! 😉

  • Mary Simmons

    Thank you for the facts. I should have fact find the article too,I was just so into the article.

  • Jamie Ross

    English please !! I can’t read this

    • Facta

      Hi Jamie, we are italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Ricky Underwood

    I’m English! So I can’t understand what was false about this?

    • Facta

      Hi Ricky, we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Susan Johnson

    translation, please?

    • Facta

      Hi Susan, we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Tara Elliott

    The fact check might be helpful if we’re in English

    • Facta

      Hi Tara, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Cinzia Mallard

    Non saprei cosa dire. Comunque questa catena è in tutto il MONDO, un motivo ci sarà

  • Éric Doucet

    Pouvez vous au moin mettre vos niaiserie en français ?! Vous dites que ce post d’un Québécois est un cas de fausse information mais vous êtes incapable d’écrire la raison en français … vous êtes les maîtres de la désinformation 🤦🏻‍♂️🧐

    • Facta

      Hi Éric, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • star

    Thanks for the article. Please present your resources and verify the information you have provided in regard to this subject. As I far as I know, you’re an organization that claims to be “fact checkers” yet don’t prove any viable scholarly source.

    • Facta

      Hi star, all the underlined words are the link to the sources.

  • Mike

    Great fact check. Can’t check it because I have no idea what this language is. Original post: English. Heads up to check: English. Click on it and it brings me to a non-English page. Good going FB. I assume this is Spanish. In Canada it’s English or French.

    • Facta

      Hi Mike, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Kurt Wagner

    Is it possible please to get a translated version of this in English?

    • Facta

      Hi Kurt, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

    • Facta

      Buongiorno ion, sì, come abbiamo riportato nel nostro articolo: «Tra lo chef televisivo e la catena di fast food esiste invece una vecchia polemica risalente al 2011, quando durante la trasmissione Oliver’s Food Revolution, Oliver attaccò la pratica di lavorare la carne di manzo con l’idrossido di ammoniaca, utilizzata al tempo da McDonald’s e da altre catene di ristorazione (come Taco Bell e Burger King).»
      Quindi c’è stata una polemica ma non una condanna in tribunale.

  • Feli

    Però ha utilizzato anche se in passato l’idrossido di ammoniaca

  • Alex

    We understand this is in Italian but the question is why are they slapping this fact checker link on an English FB posting …. Very interesting 🤔 could they not find an English speaking website that “fact check” this or maybe its a bunch of BS – Also the Mcdonald’s quality of food they serve in America is ALOT different in other countries. Bottom line if you have half a brain just don’t eat Mcdonald’s it sucks anyway

  • JOE

    HERE’S A THOUGHT: Why don’t YOU make it easy on everybody and translate it before you post?

    • Facta

      Hi Joe, I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

    • Donna

      Here’s another thought, Joe. If you’re interested, why not put in a little effort and use an on-line translator? Or learn Italian? It’s a wonderful language.

  • Stewart

    Since when did Italian Fact-Checkers know so much about US foods??

    • Facta

      Hi Stewart, It’s not about the food but the news

  • Concerned

    Why WOULD you “fact check” in a language other than that of the article?
    AND I see you’re doing it to the French speakers as well.
    I smell bullshit.

    • Facta

      I’m sorry but we are Italian Fact-Checkers, so we write in Italian 😉
      I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Jen

    After translating so I could understand, McDonald’s USED to wash the meat in ammonia hydroxide. They allegedly stopped that process in 2011. We’ll never know for sure, we only have their word to go on. The fact checkers also couldn’t find anything about the alleged lawsuit as there wasn’t big media headlines made about it.
    Either way, the article was rendered “partially true” by Facebook because McDonald’s did IN FACT include washing meat with ammonia hydroxide at one point.

    • Facta

      Hi Jen, yes exactly

  • Aldo Giordana

    Quindi Mc Donald conferma aver abbandonato questa pratica dal 2011! Ricordo bene la campagna televisiva di Jaime Oliver contro i fast food quando vivevo in Irlanda fino al 2005 e che provoco cambi anche nelle scuole inglesi, quindi ci furono cambiamenti nella sostanza anche se non ci fu mai una sentenza.

    • Facta


  • Marcia Alley

    It’s interesting that people are not so outraged by the practices of Mc Donald and health issues as they are that it was written in Italian.

  • Vito

    Resto dell’idea che è cibo spazzatura!!!!

  • Wanda

    English please, how do I know YOUR facts be true if they are not printed in English like the article- What are YOU hiding

    • Facta

      Hi Wanda, simply we are Italian and we write in Italian. I suggest using the automatic translation offered by your browser.

  • Frank J Neidenbach

    Need to have a means of translation to highline supposed untrue statements and provide data proving that statement is not true.

    • Facta

      Hi, all the yellow underlined word are link to the data 😉

  • Dawne

    Well the partially true part of this is concerning enough for me

  • Jeff Davies

    You have to protect your advertisers …McDonalds…..money talks ….
    Pathetic that Facebook has come to this …

    • Facta

      Hi, Jess, there is no advertisement on our website.

  • Den

    Hi Facta, I appreciate you guys are Italian and you have mentioned multiple times to use a translator in our browser. .but I don’t think there is a translator to allow the reading of your article in the Facebook App, is there?

    • Facta

      Hi Den, on Facebook there is a link to our web page where there is the article and you can also request the translation of the post.

  • Jo Davies

    Can anyone just tell me which parts of the article are false preferable in English. Have not heard any comments from McD or am I missing something?

    • Facta

      Hi jo, You can translate the page into English using the browser translation. (Right-click on the page > Transate)


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